What Is Normal Forgetfulness
WHAT IS NORMAL FORGETFULNESS Forgetting what you went to any room forTaking several minutes to recall where you left the carPutting things down and being unable to find them soon afterForgetting something trivial a friend mentioned to you the day beforeForgetting the name of someone you’ve just metBriefly forgetting the name for something really important or details about a significant event in your lifeAND WHAT’S CAUSE FOR CONCERNMulti-tasking becomes difficult – an able cook suddenly finds preparing a dish overwhelmingProblems negotiating familiar places, such as regularly not being able to find your carForgetting the names of close friends and relatives.Problems recognising faces, colours, shapes and wordsRepeating a question asked half an hour previously. Many of these symptoms could be attributed to depression, grief, stress or lack of sleep. But they could be early signs of dementia. However, say experts, if you’re aware of your memory problems, this is unlikely. If concerned, see your GP