A.S.H.A.Dementia Care
Affectionate Secured Home for Alzheimer’s
Affectionate Secured Home For Alzheimer’s or A.S.H.A. is a comfortable, Dementia care home for people with Dementia (PwD) where they are kept under the supervision of dedicated trained caregivers, coordinators and medical professionals. A.S.H.A. offers specialised care to patients who are battling with this disease. It attempts to improve their quality of life and emotional well-being with a disciplined and well-researched programme that involves brain-stimulating exercises, physiotherapy, specially designed activities and most importantly personal care.

Online Dementia Care
Hope at Home
Hope at Home, is the Online Dementia Care brainchild of Hope Ek A.S.H.A is a home care plan developed especially during COVID-19 pandemic for people with Dementia. It is a structured programme conducted virtually by medical specialists where caregivers receive online training to manage PwD in the comfort of their homes. A customised care plan is curated for each patient after assessing his/her needs. Regular guidance and periodic interventions of trained and experienced professionals via virtual connect also prepare and equip the family caregivers to take up the task of effective and happy caring.
Key Features of A.S.H.A.

Wheel Chair Access

Rooms Fitted Air Conditioners & Heaters & Air Purifiers

Dedicated Caregivers

Well-structured Activities For PwD

Round the Clock Nursing Staff

Regular Health Check-Ups

Physiotherapy Care

Passionate, Well-Trained & Uniformed Staff

In-house Laundry & Housekeeping

Grab bars in Washrooms

Friendly & Caring Environment

24X7 Electricity & Water Supply